
Kia ora and welcome to Savage Kiwi. Like many kiwis we take advantage of New Zealand’s fantastic outdoor recreation activities and along the way enjoy some amazing adventures. Our exploits are many and varied but more often than not involve some sort of fishing trip and regular extended trips into the bush. This blog is not only meant as a way of sharing our experiences but also as a way to catalogue them for our own personal enjoyment. So please take what you can from our posts and feel free to leave your thoughts.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Cray Fish Thermidore

We cooked the cray in this rich cheesy sauce.  Pretty delicious but enough calories in here to last a solid year or two I reckon.

Monday 6 February 2012

Makara Free Diving

We  took off to Makara this afternoon to make the most of the southerlies with a cray dive.  After a small walk along the coast we jumped in and begun the hunt, each branching off in separate directions.  It took me a solid half hour before I found my first bug but it was a good sized one and fairly basic to wrangle into my catch bag so I was happy.  After the first one was on the board I found quite a few more in quick succession and brought my total to five before I'd had enough and headed in to shore to change.  About 15 minutes later Tom and Max returned and although they only had a couple, Max had snagged a monster which probably weighed in at about 2.5 kg.  So we loaded up and headed home to cook up a feast of snapper which we caught yesterday, on the menu tomorrow: Crayfish